Geographic coordinates: 25°° 49’ 50″ – 26° 27’ 15″ east; 44° 44’ 30″ – 44° 14’ 05″ north.
Geographic position: The city is situated in South-South-East Romania, in Vlăstari Plain, at an altitude of 54-90 m, on the banks of Dâmboviţa and Colentina Rivers, 60 km North from the Danube, 120 km South from the Carpathians and 226 km W from the Black Sea.
Area: 228 km² (0.76 % of the overall area of Romania), of which the built-up area is 70 %.
Distances from:
- 425 km – Sofia
- 735 km – Belgrade
- 1730 km – Berlin
- 1140 km – Vienna
- 1285 km – Athens
- 2040 km – Rome
- 2460 km – Paris
Climate: temperate-continental, with hot and wet summers (average temperature in July – August : 23°C, but it can rise to 35-40°C in mid-summer in the city center) and cold winters (often under 0°C, the temperature very seldom reaches below -10°C). In spring and autumn, the temperature varies between 18 and 22°C, and rainwater tends to be higher in this period than in summer, with more frequent, but milder rains.
Official time: East Europe Time (GMT + 2). The summer time zone (GMT + 3) applies between the first Sunday of March and the last Sunday of October.
The following website provides a bunch of information on sights and events in the city: